HTS Labs

Maximize your research with high-throughput screening!

At the heart of our work is the high-parallel screening of thousands of samples. Through these innovative methods, we generate robust and meaningful datasets that provide valuable insights for decision-makers in drug discovery, environmental analysis, and the food industry.

In drug discovery, precise data is crucial for the development of new medications and therapies. Our high-throughput screening allows you to efficiently analyze a wide range of potential drug candidates and quickly and reliably assess their efficacy and safety. This accelerates the development process and helps bring life-saving medications to market faster.

Large datasets also play a critical role in environmental analysis. Our screening methods enable the examination of environmental samples for a variety of pollutants and toxins. This provides you with well-founded insights into environmental pollution and helps you take targeted measures to improve environmental quality.

Quality assurance is of utmost importance in the food industry. Our high-throughput screening allows for quick and efficient testing of food samples for contaminants, allergens, and other potential risks. This ensures the safety and quality of your products and strengthens customer trust.

Our dedicated team of experienced scientists and technicians is with you every step of the way—from sampling to analysis to interpretation of results. We work closely with you to develop tailored solutions that meet your specific requirements.

Maximize the potential of your research with our high-throughput screening and benefit from robust and meaningful datasets that open up new insights and opportunities for you.







Interested? Contact us.

HTS Labs Frankfurt GmbH offers a variety of molecular diagnostic services. We would be happy to explore how we can best support you with your project.

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